Pretty cool title, huh?
I have a simple, three-step program you can do right now to change your life for the better. Don't believe me? Give them a try and see what you think.... and please follow them in order. Here they are:
1. Turn off the TV.
2. Turn off the computer.
3. Go outside.
I admit, these aren't really revolutionary tips, but I guarantee they will change your life like it did mine.
Time = Money
How much time do we actually spend in front of an electronic screen?
In September 2009, the Nielsen Company (the same one that analyzes TV ratings) reported that the average American watches 153 hours of TV every month and spends 68 hours a month on the internet. Not only that, but the average American watches over one hour of TV ads per day!
In fact, others studies reveal that when the average American reaches age 65, they will have watched over ONE YEAR of TV commercials. My goodness! ONE YEAR! In the last year, I managed to visit South Korea, the United States, Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, China, and Hong Kong (twice). What would happen if I replaced all of those experiences just to find out which paper towel is the quicker-picker-upper?
Does any of this news upset you? I hope it does - anger or frustration with something can be a great motivator. I hope one day we can start to understand how the media constructs our lifestyles and views; watch how it can alter our opinions on sex, beauty, success, failure, race, foreign countries, etc.
And yet, we waste OVER 110 DAYS a year in front of the boob tube and on the internet COMBINED.
Lisa: It's not our fault our generation has short attention spans, Dad. We watch an appalling amount of TV.
Homer: Don't you ever, EVER talk that way about television.
- From The Simpsons
"What If I Miss Something?"
Mothers, cover your child's ear for this one because it might sting:
Please cut the fucking shit.
If you wanted to find out what happened in the world today, does it really require over 3 hours per day via TV and 2 hours per day via internet?
People, please: national evening news programs are approximately 21 minutes long, taking out the irrelevant commercials. In that time, most of it is biased, sensationalized coverage of international activities that locals might not even care about. And don't even get me started on local news programs - half of it barely qualifies as "news", anyway.
"And you know this.... maaaaan!"
-Chris Tucker, Friday
What's on TV?
Take a good look at all the shows you watch and websites you visit. Ask yourself these question and answer honestly: are they helping you advance your life? Are they making you stronger? Do they make you a better person? More forgiving? More accepting of others and their opinions? Kinder to those who need help and can't help themselves?
We waste hours a day on TV. We spend hundreds of dollars for premium cable and satellite packages. We purchase many products as a result of television commercials and programs. But when was the last time you bought a self-help book? Or a book of wise quotes? Or an autobiography from a inspiration person? You know - something that would be of real value. Where are our priorities?
What if I put a gun to your head and forced you to cut down your TV and computer time to 30 minutes per day? Could you do it? I think so. What if I forced you to cut down your TV and computer time to 30 minutes A WEEK?
NOTE: I understand there are many people out there who work on their computer. Fair enough. But when you get home after a hard day of work, try to find more constructive ways to unwind.
I just spent all morning watching a VH1 special on Gwen Stefani. I don't know what a Hollaback girl is. All I know is that I want her dead.
- Brian Griffin, Family Guy
"By the way, I'm aware of the irony of appearing on TV in order to decry it, so don't bother pointing that out."
— Sideshow Bob, The Simpsons
What's outside?
Go outside and have new experiences. Watch the sunrise. Take a walk. Go hiking. Make new friends. Help someone in need. Humanize yourself with the world! Become aware of your surrounds and your place in the universe. Hell, some of my greatest memories in South Korea were hiking up a hill behind my apartment and watching the sunset on a beautiful Spring afternoons.
When you die, are you going to tell your family, "I wish I watched more Glee"? Are you going to write in your will: Please bury me with all the seasons of Friends? I'd rather hope not. Life is much to short to waste in front of the television and computer.
Go outside. Your life awaits.
"It is not that we have a short space of time, but that we waste much of it."
-Lucius Seneca